Green Building Concepts and Policies

Side Event: Green Building Concepts and Policies

19 June 2015, 15:15 – 16:30 | Trabantenstube



The Global Forum on Sustainable Energy (GFSE) in cooperation with the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW), and the Austrian Development Agency is organizing the VEF Side Event: “Green Building Concepts and Policies”.
Global Forum on Sustainable Energy
Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW)
Austrian Development Agency
Cornelia Schenk, cornelia.schenk [at], +43-(0)1-5861524-112
Lukas Eggler, lukas.eggler [at]; +43-(0)1-5861524-148  
Leonardo Barreto-Gómez, leonardo.barreto-gomez [at]; +43-1-5861524-127
Rapid urbanization together with population growth, rising energy demand and substantial emissions of greenhouse gases from the building sector (estimated at about 1/3 of global annual GHG emissions) range among the main global challenges for a sustainable energy future. These call for comprehensive solutions and regional cooperation to tackle both regional and global issues at stake. The greening of the building sector, both for the existing building stock and new construction, will have to be based on sound architectural principles, appropriate materials and a supportive policy framework in order to deliver the desired reductions in energy consumption and GHG emissions.
Green building design will have to differ substantially according to each climatic zone; low building energy demand and thermal comfort of building dwellers must go hand in hand, and the existing gaps in knowledge and experience throughout the whole construction chain will have to be overcome. Political recognition of the need for green building solutions, and the creation of sound and supportive framework conditions on various levels will be needed to not only tackle these challenges on a case-by-case basis, but to strategically implement a green building system which entails environmental and economic co-benefits.     
The GFSE Side Event “Green Building Concepts and Policies” will showcase green building solutions from different perspectives: Architectural and technical challenges and solutions, required capacity building programmes and the creation of favorable framework conditions for the implementation of comprehensive green building solutions will be discussed. Vivid experience exchange between the technical and political level will help build bridges between the stakeholders involved, and contribute to the further development of the building sector. 


Jun 19 2015


3:15 pm - 4:30 pm