High-level panel VII: Sustainable Cities – An Integrated Solution to a Global Challenge

This session will focus on the energy efficiency challenges and opportunities, as well as on the diverse roles of stakeholders, in energy intensive sectors where there is significant potential for local and national public and private investment to make a difference.
Mega cities, towns and other urban areas have a crucial role to play in mitigating climate change, consuming three-quarters of the energy produced and being responsible for a similar share of CO2 emissions. They also have a critical task in providing adequate services, safety and good quality of life to growing urban populations. This is particularly relevant in the developing world where rapid economic growth, industrialization and urbanization are straining urban structures and services to their limits. In recognition of the urgency of this issue and the need for cooperation and knowledge sharing, a number of regional, south-south and triangular partnerships have been developed.
Specifically, this session will discuss the key role to be played by local authorities and how the efficient management and use of resources are pre-requisites for sustainable and livable cities where the population is actively engaged. Panelists will present areas of intervention including the role of citizens’ behavior, and discuss the need for reconciling public and private interests, integrating sustainable energy solutions into overall local development goals, and driving change for sustainability through policies and measures, as well as regulatory frameworks in support of energy efficiency.  
Session presentation 1.
Session presentation 2.


Jun 19 2015


12:00 pm - 1:15 pm